May 29, 2020 If you’ve ever seen any footage of the American West, you’ve probably seen one or more pictures or videos of prairie dogs popping out of their holes. This is often followed by something scientifically described as “jump-yipping”. The science behind this says that it’s basically a group-based security control – of the […]
Weed-whacking your way to security architecture
May 25, 2020 You heard me talking about it yesterday. Those lov-er-ly “solution architecture” one-pagers that generally are either highly abstracted so as to fit on a single 16:9 slide or so detailed, the largest font size used on an A0 sheet would be 4 points. Either way, the one thing you can count on […]
Some stick figures, a cloud, a cylinder and a brick wall
May 24, 2020 “Whaddya mean, ‘That’s not architecture’? What else could you possibly need to know, Mr. Smarty-pants Security Architect?” If not the words, we’ve probably all seen the diagrams. Often PowerPoint, sometimes Visio, and only very rarely created in some kind of formalized automation tools, in some organizations, this is, literally, the state […]