Given the recent “end of an era” for the MCU with Avenger’s Endgame, I’ve been going back through the movies in order—well…most of them. I’m still not that crazy about the 2008 Incredible Hulk film, but for the rest, yeah, I’m that kind of super hero geek. Aaaannnnnyyyyway… One of the scenes that still makes […]
It’s the FLOAT, stupid!
As you may know from my recent story about a suicidal frog at the house we rent in Cape Town now – or perhaps it was just an unfortunate accident, take your pick – there is a pool. And said pool hasn’t been fully operational or “happy” in the 8 months we’ve lived here. Now, […]
When to stop learning and start doing
It’s actually a disease. It’s a disease right up there with analysis paralysis. It’s the disease of “I know I need to do X, but wow…there’s so much to learn before I can even get started.” It’s actually a rather common variant of something my mother used to call “want-itis.” “Andrew, you have want-itis! Everything […]
Mmmm…MMMMMMM! That dog food sure is TASTY!
You may have noticed I took a break from your inbox for a few days. Since I got some questions about it, I thought I’d explain it to you. So here goes: I took my own advice. One of the things I’ve been harping on about for the last couple of weeks is that if […]
How to start wars you never intended
Communication is actually a pretty amazing thing. It takes something – a thought, concept or understanding – from one mind, converts it into an appropriate transportation medium and then unpacks it so that something is present in another mind. Or, at least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. However, one of the problems with […]